Toxin burdens impact your immune system and push your body toward inflammation. Learn about symptoms of toxic burdens and how to avoid them with this informative post.

No matter how careful you are, you experience an overwhelming amount of toxic exposure every single day. Whether these toxic chemicals are naturally occurring or man-made, they are able to get into your body and have the potential to overwhelm your system. Sometimes these chemicals are only in your body for a short time before being excreted, but if you have continuous exposure to certain chemicals, your body can experience a toxic overload. If you’re wondering how to get tested for these toxic burdens, as well as how to avoid them to live a healthier life, then you’re not alone. Keep reading to learn more!

What are toxic burdens?

Simply put, this term describes the amount of toxins in your body that you are unable to get rid of. What’s left is called “toxic burden” or “toxic overload”. Too many toxins in your body at once will overload your system, and can lead to increased inflammation and oxidative stress if you don’t reduce your exposure.

Symptoms and Testing

If you’re experiencing fatigue, brain fog, joint/muscle pain, IBS, insomnia, weight gain, osteoporosis, and/or food intolerances, then you may have a toxic overload. While symptoms vary from person to person, as functional healthcare professionals, we have learned the value of an upstream approach. We first investigate the function of the body with routine labs, and have a toolbox of additional functional lab work and tests to use as determined necessary. These include food sensitivity testing, functional stool testing to find gut inflammation from a variety of issues, organic acids testing, micronutrient testing, as well as testing for SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), mold and heavy metals. We offer testing services, nutritional support, and more, so contact us to see how we can help!

How to Avoid Toxic Burdens

1. Be aware. If you have chronic health conditions (like high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease), then you need to be extra vigilant with reducing your toxic exposure, as an increase in toxins can exacerbate your symptoms. You can also get toxic burdens from the environment (i.e. pesticides, herbicides, mold, heavy metals) or from underlying infections that weaken your immune system (such as Varicella, Herpes, Epstein Barr, or HPV).

2. Eliminate or reduce exposure. Investigate what are the harmful chemicals used in your house and on your body, such as laundry products, soaps, body lotion, and shampoo. Investigate the Environmental Working Group to learn more about the need for organic eating, safer beauty products and cleaning products.

3. Make the switch. Once you have identified any harmful chemicals in your house, it’s time to make a change. You can slowly switch your products out (i.e. make the change from a traditional cleaning product to a homemade version of baking soda, vinegar, and essential oils), or try a regular detox (alongside a practitioner who understands your needs and your body’s burden). Be sure to do this slowly, as too much, too quick can bring on more inflammation and make you feel ill. But however you choose to eliminate toxins from your home, your body will certainly thank you in the long run!

4. Evaluate your lifestyle. Lifestyle choices can also make a huge difference. By drinking plenty of clean filtered water, getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night, reducing stress, eating fibrous foods, moving your body, and focusing on your mental health, your body can start to reduce its’ toxic load. By ridding your house and body of unwanted toxins, you are on the path to a healthier, less stressed body!

What are you doing to reduce your toxic load? Let us know in the comments below!

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