Whether we can see it or not, mold is everywhere and we encounter it every day. Some molds do not pose a health risk to people, yet others can cause debilitating illness. Here’s what you need to know about mold toxicity.

It’s estimated that indoor air pollutants, including mold and the toxins they release, may be contributing to more than 50% of patient’s illnesses. Mold is known to trigger allergies, asthma, immune dysfunction, and inflammation – to name a few.

How Am I Exposed to Mold?

Exposure to water-damaged homes, buildings that you work in, or places that you frequently visit, may all hold these toxins. Certain foods can also contain hidden sources of mold. It’s important to note that not all people become ill upon exposure. It depends on your immune status, nutrition, as well as the body’s toxic burden. Some people are more susceptible to mold-related illness than others, especially if they have specific genetic variants that make it more difficult for them to excrete the mycotoxins.

Why Is Mold Bad, Anyway?

Molds produce mycotoxins that, when absorbed by the skin, airways, and intestinal lining, can trigger inflammation that can wreak havoc on the body. They can deplete antioxidants, like glutathione, and vitamins A, C, and E. Listed below are some of the common symptoms that are associated with mold toxicity:

• Fatigue and weakness
• Sleep issues
• Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath
• Loss of balance and/or dizziness
• Depression and/or anxiety
• Skin rashes
• Eye irritation, tearing of the eyes, or vision changes
• Headache and/or light sensitivity
• Hearing loss
• Morning stiffness and/or joint pain
• Muscle weakness
• Poor memory, word find issues, or difficulty concentrating
• Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and/or bloating
• Unusual skin sensations, tingling, and numbness
• Static shocks or metallic taste in the mouth

These symptoms may also be associated with other illnesses. The only way to rule-out mold toxicity as the culprit would be to administer an at-home urine mycotoxin test to evaluate exposure. Treatment modalities will depend on the specific toxins detected on the test, as well as their levels. Along with diet and supplements targeted to improve detoxification, finding and eradicating the source of the mold will be of the utmost importance.

If you suspect mold exposure, have been experiencing some of the symptoms listed above, and/or would like to get tested, book your appointment with us .